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About me

Hey! My name is Chelsea, I'm currently a stay at home mommy to five gorgeous kids, I am also a proud oilfield wife. We love going camping and participating in local sports activities.


I've always had an interest in the arts, and picked up photography about eight years ago. I didn't think my journey would have ever become what it is,


I take great pride in offering professional quality photos to my clients at an affordable price. In this fast paced world it is important to take the time and make some memories to cherish, and to share with your loved ones for years to come.


I want my clients to feel like friends, that way we can get true emotions in our sessions. Photos tell your story, so I try and encourage thinking outside of the box. I'm always up for a,

Are you ready to tell your story?


"Capturing the moments of today that will wow your heart tomorrow"

Let's talk

Chelsea Madison Photography

(775) 835-2857

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